Why I Love My Readers
The most obvious reason is because you read my site, which makes me feel that I'm not just spewing bibble into the atmosphere, some of it is being caught too. I'm guessing here but I'd put a couple of 50 pence that you are intelligent, thoughtful people who appreciate that we don't all have to be the same, that normal is as normal does and anyways who wants to be normal.
The other reason which links into the open mindedness and thoughtfulness is that I'm pretty sure that none of you indulge in threatening other bloggers with death threats or photoshop up nasty sexually lurid pictures of other bloggers. Well you might do, but as far as I am aware you don't stick em up on flickr or any forum. A lot of this happened to an American blogger
Kathy Sierra, who although the BBC described her a prominent blogger I had never heard of, but I'm sure that she's never heard of me so we are even. I'm being flippant there and when I first saw the story I thought, Ack American, over sensitive, surely it can't be that bad, and then I saw her blog entry about it and the words dried up.
Sorry Ms Sierra I was wrong.
There are weirdos out there, but what Ms Sierra shows on her blog - a small part of, apparently, the hatred shown to her. It's unreasonable, it's unforgivable and it's unbalanced... It's completely and utterly wrong. No one should be subjected to that and the ones who are doing it and the ones who seem to be condoning it need to re-examine their moral compass cos right now it is fucked to shit.
Which gets me back to why I love you all, it's because you are good looking and intelligent, sophisticated and aware, but above all that, you are reasonable, sensible, humorous and reasonably sane. Because I don't think any of yous will ever confuse blogging with what is really important.