It's been raining for the last few days, the grass has recovered everywhere is greening up nicely, any festivals happening this weekend are likely to be a bit quagmire like. Because of this Bex and I have decided to blow Pink out, it's hard to look fabulous when standing in a muddy park so we've decided to be fabulous elsewhere.
When I visit Becky I have to catch the train to Peterborough then to King's Lynn, changing at Ely. Yesterday at the first station there were loads of festival attending types milling about on the platform including one lass who was wearing a non descript fleece, incy-wincy denim hot pants, silver sparkly tights and bright purple wellies.
Due to the thunderstorms we had my train into Ely arrived three minutes after the Lynn train pulled out. I rang Bex to let her know I would be late, mad, romantic fool that she is she said "Hold still, I'll come and collect." So I sat down with a Stella and the Guardian and watched the rainbows come and go. (Ely has a very civilised railway station don't ya know)
Half an hour later just as the Lynn train was leaving my mobile buzzed again. "Can you get the train to Downham Market? The traffic is awful"
"Nope, train's just pulling out"
But these are things are part and parcel of being mad romantic fools and I did get to see Becky three minutes earlier than if I had caught the train. :-D
Stem Cells for Parkinson’s Disease
2 days ago
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