I've had my 10,000th visitor today.
like my 5,000th visitor it was a brief look see and off again, never mind.
However my 9,999th visitor was my friend Charlotte I recognised her work's ISP.
Today's Should Have Been Working came from:-
The Constuction Industry Training Board they were looking for the phone number of the newly opened King's Lynn branch of Frankie and Benny's. I am the number one result in the world for "frankie and bennies - kings lynn - telephone number" it's things like that that makes being a blogger worthwhile. Anyway being an obliging person here is the number:- 01553 666 300 please don't all book at once apparently it has been chocka since it opened.
Mexico Way 2
19 hours ago
Yes, us King's Lynnites turned up in our droves to try the authentic taste of Little Italy. Just like Mamma used to deep fry. :-)