Having sat down to complete this meme I've realised that it means I actually I have to some work I've got to write something, recycling funnies I get sent by friends is much purer in the essential slothness.
So here goes "Five Songs I'm Diggin' This Week"
1. Happy When It Rains - Jesus and Mary Chain on Darklands
This is the first JAMC tune that really hit my consciousness properly and make me go "wow, that is possibly a perfect pop song" Darklands is their most poppy album they stripped away some of the feedback that had drenched their first album Psychocandy and allowed their pop sensibilities to flourish.
2. Staying with the Scottish Vibe (could this be because of Scotland's rather good win over Norway on Wednesday?
I remember reading about the Beta Band a few years back in a Guardian supplement and thinking oh that sounds good, I'll have to check them out and then never quite getting round to it. I saw High Fidelity, heard this song and thought yes they are good must check them out properly this time, then didn't do a thing about it until about 2 years ago when a local music shop was closing down and I was able to pick up Hot Shots II for £3. I really loved that and got more of their stuff. I saw them at The Junction in Cambridge with a friend from work in January. Excellent gig and possibly the politest band I've ever seen, I hope that they reform.
The problem with this meme thing is that I go through phases of doing nothing but listening to music and then phases of not doing so at all. And I'm in a not listening to much music at the moment. All my radios are tuned to Radio 4 on an almost permanent basis with brief trips to Radio 5 Live. I don't listen to music when on the move. I'm rarely exposed to music on a day to day basis so this exercise is slightly artificial as I'm having to look at my music collection and ponder. I did tell Becky it would have been a lot easier if she had asked me to list "5 Radio 4 programmes I'm diggin' this week"
But back to the meme:
3. Venus in Furs by The Velvet Underground on The Velvet Underground and Nico.
Cool and kinky, sounds fabulous as well.
4. Rowche Rumble by the The Fall my copy is on 50,000 Fall Fans Can't Be Wrong: 39 Golden Greats.
Now I have been digging this song this week. It popped into my head when I read Miss K's answers to this meme, I've been singing it to myself all week.
The other problem with this meme is avoiding slipping into pretentiousness or showing myself to be the no hope goth/grunge/stuck in the late 80s early 90s geekette I really am.
5. Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes on Elephant.
Thunderous opener to the album, the video is also very striking and I have been diggin it this week cos I've had the lines "I'm going to Wichita, Far from this Opera for evermore" stuck on repeat in my head.
Right I believe that is tradition to chose people to pass this on to so Charlotte, Palace Fan, Michelle and Lazy Iguana, your turn if you want to.
Becky - mini meme back to you What was the first album you got? Mine was Arrival by Abba
You know which album I got (was given, not bought) and no I'm not going to blog about it. :-P
ReplyDeleteThe first album I ever bought was Flood by They Might Be Giants. I was a bit of a late-bloomer, album-buying wise.
ReplyDeleteThanks for meme Jane, but I suspect that this is where it will stop. Don't have many contacts :(
ReplyDeleteMy frist album was Porcupine by Echo and the Bunnymen.
I am more pleased with my choice of first single, aged 2 and bit, I bought Mouldy Old Dough by Leutenant Pidgeon...
As I recall it cost 27 1/2p from Wheelers in Downham Market:)
Either Mann Made - Mannfred Mann or Revolver - Beatles. Latest album bought - Live at The Filmore East 1971 - Frank Zappa. Mud Shark Mythology. Anyone elase a sucker for Zappa's lyrics? No? Oh well...
ReplyDeleteRachel, Eeore first album I bought was St Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (I was 12). Last was Scissors Sisters.